Our suggested trip to Nuk Tessli
Nuk Tessli offers a 3,4 or 7 day stay. Here are some ideas for your adventure at Nuk Tessli.
These are just examples, we'll be happy to tailor make a trip that will suit you best.
The pricing stays the same.
Fly into Nuk Tessli on Monday and back to Nimpo Lake on Thursday.
Three full days and three nights at Nuk Tessli.
Check out our suggested itinerary for a three day stay at Nuk Tessli.

Come for the weekend to Nuk Tessli.
Fly to Nuk Tessli on Thursday and back to Nimpo Lake on Monday.
Four full days and Four nights at Nuk Tessli.
Check out our suggested itinerary for a four day stay at Nuk Tessli.

One of the most exciting experiences we offer is a combined Wilderness Lake and Nuk Tessli trip.
Starting with two nights in the alpine of Wilderness Lake and then hiking to Nuk Tessli for another 3-4 nights.
A true hut-to-hut experience in the Chilcotin.
Check out our suggested itinerary for a Nuk Tessli & Wilderness Lake trip.